Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ahoy, Matey!

hahaha, ohhhh, I haven't written here in FOREVAH! :) Not much has been going on since I last posted. I still have the same job. I live in the same apartment with the same roommate and same sweet puppy (most of the time).

I DID have surgery last month. To repair a really painful bunion on my left foot. I have to have the right one done too, but not for a while. I'll upload pictures soon...that is unless I drop off the face of the blogging earth again. ;-D I'll try not to do that. In fact, I'll devote tomorrow's post to my surgery. Before and after pictures! Although, my foot still looks like I have sausages for toes. Anyway...

Also, I just recently got rid of Zorro:
I traded him in (sad!!!) for Sylar:

And Sylar is one BAD kat! (Also, didn't you LOVE to HATE him in H*eroes???)

heheheheheheh! And I can honestly say that buying a car was the scariest thing I've ever done! I mean, it's such a scary, grown-up purchase! But, I knew what I wanted, and I knew what I wanted to pay and therefore I was able to get what I wanted.

We are also supposed to get like 8 inches of snow tonight. *sigh* I guess it's that time of year again. AT LEAST I HAVE 4WD NOW!!!! yay! :)

OK, maybe if I keep my posts short and sweet I'll actually stick with it! :)

Talk to you tomorrow!

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