Friday, June 27, 2008

Who dunn it???

So, last night we had a mystery dinner party with my roommate's parents and some of our friends. It was very fun and very funny! Everyone played their parts so well that by the end of the night we were calling each other by the character's names instead of our real ones. It was super-fun. Not to mention that Julie ended up being the murderer! hahahah!

And...I wore a dress.

*GASP* I KNOW!! And shut up, Heather, because when i was younger and wore dresses a lot...i was also a lot skinner and minus a few of my favorite attributes: cankles....hippo-hips...buffalo-butt, and gushy-gut. :) Thankyouverymuch.

So...I wore a dress last night.

And I'm wearing it right now. at work. in front of people I don't know who could say horrible things about me to their families and giggle and I wouldn't even know. And you know what? I actually feel kind of pretty today. So, nah.

Here are some pictures:

That's me. In the back wearing a blue/green/brown dress and green sweater. Also, pearls...because...well, why not?

The little dog...that's westin. I LOVE HIM. was such a fun night. We laughed and laughed and laughed some more! Mike brought fake mustaches for Jules to borrow. She was playing an 80ish year old italian man and needed a gray mustache. We had fun with the others:

There are more, but I'll have to upload them later. I'm having a little trouble with Blogger. get the idea. Lots and lots of laughing. :)
Next week is 4th of July! yay! I guess if I'm going to get Baseball tickets I should do that NOW, dontcha think?? oh well.
Lastly, my sister spelled her own name wrong in her post today and it made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair. My boss even peeked his head out of his office to see what I was laughing about. Seeing as I said something very vague like "my sister spelled her name wrong on this thing about stuff" he didn't think it was NEARLY as funny as i did. Oh well. (love you, heather!)
Okay...I guess I'll post more later!!
P.S. I LOVE blogger so much better than Livejournal! wooo stinkin hooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


love the stach

i've been reading silly :)