Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sleepy Sweet Home Alabama, Roll Tide Roll...

That title doesn't really have anything to do with anything, except my post is going to be about the dream I had last night (sleepy) and there's a song that says that in the chorus. Me being an absolute UA fan loves it because it says "roll tide" in it. :)

Anyway, occasionally I have dreams that haunt me a little bit after I have them. They'll be the kind that you wake up during and you vividly remember and they won't leave your head all day! I hate that! Especially when they are about something you try not to think about. Sometimes I dream about my dad and that makes me mad b/c I don't like devoting any brain cells towards thinking of him.

Anyway, (side-track sally) Last night I dreamed about having a boyfriend. I am not really looking for a boyfriend...I'm not really worried about boys/having a boyfriend. I don't decide my wealth/worth based on a boyfriend/boys. I am trusting God for my future...and that includes boyfriend material. But. Yesterday there was a little bit of drama in Jules' family life that included lots of talking and thinking about fiances and boyfriends. I devoted a lot of thought to these particular subjects yesterday and I think that's why I dreamed of them.

So, in my dream I had this boyfriend and everyone liked him. Jules really liked him, and they were really good friends (which is perfect). And in the dream i was taking him home to meet my family. His name in the dream was Mike, but he wasn't any Mike I've ever met, so I wasn't projecting anyone from my real life into my dream. Anyway, we went to introduce him to my family and they hit it off immediately. Him and my brother got along, he played with my nieces and even played basketball with my nephew (who was like 8 in the dream, so it was far in the future. funny that I just remembered that part!) He chatted it up with my mom and sister and they really liked him. I remember he was a really good guy who had a healthy fear of God and I remember in one part of the dream him making me laugh so hard I had tears rolling down my face. I think he prayed to bless our meal at suppertime.

Most of the time I (thank God) don't spend much thought on my future boyfriend/husband. I truly trust God to take care of that area. I'd rather wait (and possibly be single for the rest of my life) than to rush into something and it not be what God had planned for me and me be either miserable or get hurt. I honestly don't worry about it. I have full faith that God has my future in his hands. BUT, when I dream things like that...and it was so makes me think about it too much. I don't like to think about it b/c when I'm thinking about it it makes me feel like I'm not trusting God to take care of it. Isn't that crazy?? I'm crazy. Much too hard on myself most of the time. I mean, really--who has control over what they dream!?

Anyway, my point (oh, you HAD one?? i had no idea!) is that I think that God was using this dream to show me what I might have if I just keep trusting him. I think that it was a picture into how happy I can be if I allow God to bring that person into my life. So, although the dream got me thinking about boyfriends and also reminded me that God is in control--and if I trust him, I can truly have something spectacular!

I think I'll hold onto that, instead of the dream. :)


That Chick Over There said...

You just hold on sister because he's out there! Never, ever settle because you deserve the BEST! :)


Jolene said...

omigosh Kristy...I LOVE what you're walking away from this with!!! I know what you mean by having it in your brain when you don't want it there, I've had it in my brain lately too! I am so stealing your line (if you don't mind) and clinging to that! Happy Wednesday!!

Anonymous said...

:) what a neat dream to have, and what a faithful lesson you take out of it :)
Good for you!!! :)

Even if the ONE doesn't arrive to you looking like he'll be the one, remember SOME guys will evolve when they find the right person. :)

cheryl said...

My daughters are all trusting God to bring them husbands, if that is what He has planned for them, to put it simply. Two of them are now married, and they'd never dated! I dated a lot, and although I married the man I believe God wanted me with, I can say for certain that's not the way to go about it. There are so many drawbacks, practically speaking (pain, etc), and just think how happy God is when one trusts Him for something so important. I give you lots of credit, in these times, to stand strong! It will be worth it!