Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I was supposed to be born on Labor Day...

Did you know that? Probably not. But, yes, my due date was labor day back in 1984...but my mama had me 3 weeks early. Thank goodness for that, too, because I was already 8lbs 9oz. I would have just about killed my mama. She would have thought she was birthing a baby pig!! :) haha, maybe that's why I liked pigs so much growing up.

Anyway, I had the BEST labor day weekend. On Thursday (which technically doesn't count towards the weekend) me and Jules went had had our hair(s) cut. **i never know how to write that when I'm talking about two people getting hair cuts** ANYWAY...they looked really good, and even though mine is not quite what I was looking for..it's still pretty. Over the weekend I worked on how to fix it and I think I've got it figured out now.

Friday we went to a couple apartment appointments to check out new places to live and we found THE ONE. We loved it...I'll include more about that when it gets closer to time, but just know that we are SOOOO excited to move now!

Saturday I did a little grocery shopping so that we had food in our house again and I just did a few things around the house. I laid out a little bit, but it started getting rainy, so I logged in some time on the weeeeee.

Sunday I made Taco soup...which basically is a million different types of beans, corn, and ground turkey/hamburger. And lots of taco seasonings. It's soooooo good, but it gives your intestines a nice little workout (if you know what I mean ;-D) Then, I did a little laundry and went out to the pool. I read and relaxed and did a whole lotta nothing...

Then, MONDAY! oh, lovely Monday! I found a new heavenly past time! I got in the pool...right at the 4 foot mark, and I stood at the edge with the water right below my shoulders and I read on the side of the pool! it was soooo wonderful! I did that for about an hour and I only got out because my stomach was eating my backbone (I was starving!). That's all I could think about--how lovely reading from inside the pool was!! But I got a little sunburned and thought it best to NOT go back out into the blazing sun.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I had a lovely weekend...the only thing that would have made it better would have been if it were Memorial Day weekend instead of Labor Day. :(


Anonymous said...

lucky you having a pool in your building! :)
DUring our moving road trip my husband tried to get us hotel/motels with pools. Oh I loooved it! So nice! I would go early and just enjoy for 1/2 h and some pools even had HOT TUBS! so after swimming I would just relax for 1/2 h so nice! Does your new place have a swimming pool?

KrustyLynn said...

Hi TL. ( I always imagine some lovely, french name that TL stands for. Like, Therese-laurent or something. hahah! :) )

Anyway, my new apartment place will have a pool and guess what the best part is?? It is open year-round and it's heated! I can imagine that it's not very fun to get out of the 86 degree water into the -12 degree air and watch the water droplets freeze on the ground, but still! Isn't that exciting!

Oh, and don't you just LOVE staying in hotels??

So you moved, eh? I haven't been able to access your blog so I had no idea! That's great!! Moving is horrible while you're doing it, but it's always so exciting!! Good for you!! I hope you're doing well! Thanks for reading my ramblings! :)

Anonymous said...

hello :)
how are you doing?
Hope you're too busy with a wonderful life, or did you put your blog on private?
have a nice day!