Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weeeeee have fun.

So, for my birthday my mom and sister bought me a W*ii. And I must tell you--I LOVE THAT THING! Heather has had one for a long time, and every time I went home I would play it every chance I got. I am seriously amazed by the technology. So, then she sold it to Stevie, and this last time I was home I played "his" every chance I got. So, they surprised me by buying me one!

I had to hook it up in Jules' room, because the TV in my bedroom (which rarely gets used, so I'm really not sure why it's even in there) is from 1982. It still has the wood paneling on the sides. Nice, eh? Anyway, it doesn't have the correct hook-ups. The TV in the living room is hooked up with Ti*Vo and they say that you shouldn't hook the "weeeee" up with Ti*vo because it will cause a 1-2 second delay in your movements. That's just what we want, right? To swing at a baseball and two seconds later the bat actually swings. STRIKE THREE...YOU'RE OUT!!

So, anyway. It's hooked up in Jules' room and she's kind enough to let me sit in there and play. Sometimes she's even asleep and I play. You'll hear me in there grunting or yelping at my fights in Indiana Jones...or whatever game I might be playing. It's so fun!! I have the best time. Too bad the money in Deal or No Deal isn't real, because I'd be sitting pretty right now. Anyway, my point is that I am enjoying the Weeeee so much!!

Me and Jules play shooting targets or balloons, we play bowling, baseball, golf. It's all just SO FUN!! I just don't see how I'll ever get tired of it! I feel like a 13 year old boy who just got his first X-box. haha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh did I miss your birthday?? Happy birthday!!! :)
I was gone on a moving trip.. I watched Hannah Montana the movie yesterday. It was fun, I didn't really know it before but I really liked the music, the song called "climb". Thanks for recommendation! :)
Enjoy the wii!