Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm movin' on up...

Ever since it was raining in our kitchen we have been having landlord issues. He's such a nice guy, and for the first two years we lived in our current residence he was beyond helpful. But this last year has been hard for him...hard on the economy...just plain hard. He lost his job in like December, right before the flood, so he was equally stressed about the water problems. The flood stuff is taken care of, but the way that it was handled by the HOA and HUD was sub-optimal. Anyway, since the flood we've consistently been having trouble getting ahold of our landlord. We only had a cell number, because his email address was through his previous job. He got another job fairly quickly, and was apparently busy busy busy at work. We called him on his cell several times and left messages regarding the hot water heater not working (this was around Feb/March.) It took him several weeks to come fix it...meaning several weeks of waking up at 3:30 am to make sure the pilot light was lit, so that I'd have hot water for a shower before work. Several weeks of never being sure that we'd have hot water for anything, and several weeks of the heat being hit or miss. It was really frustrating. Finally he came and fixed it.

In May, when the pool opened we called him about getting the pool pass and code. They give the info to the owners, and it's the owners' responsibility to pass out the info to their tenants. Anyway, I couldn't ever get him to answer the phone. I put a note in the rent check. I called several times. I spent at least 3 weekends inside at the beginning of the summer because he wouldn't even call back. Instead he came by, didn't ring the doorbell/knock and stuck a newsletter with two ladies phone numbers on it on the door. Those ladies ended up being the ones to call about the pool.

Lately, the hot water heater is fritzing out again. This morning I took a very very cold shower. One thing people who know me well know is that I don't like to be cold. So you can imagine how well the shower went this morning.

Anyway, all this is to say that in the past culmination of events we've decided to move. I know what you're thinking: I thought you were moving back to AL???

The answer is simple: we are. But it's not the time, right now. The economy...my job is going really good...it's just not right. When it's time, God will let us know. So, for now, we're staying. And moving.

We live right now about 45 minutes from my job, and about 1 hour from Jules' job. When it snows this is just doubled so we've decided to move closer to our jobs! I'm really really excited about it.

Our first meeting with an apartment complex is Friday. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm SO excited!! :)

1 comment:

cheryl said...

I hope you get a super nice place really close to your workplaces, for a bargain price..
And then I hope it works out that you can return when the time is right.. well, that makes sense, doesn't it???