Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please excuse my absence...

Ok! Hi...remember me? My name is KrustyLynn and apparently I have dropped off the face of the Earth this past month. OOPS. Sorry!

Anyway, I'm back in the swing of things and I have lots to tell about. The first thing I want to tell you about is...

(drumroll please...) seriously...drumroll.....

OK, I reached my goal of losing 40 pounds and am currently sitting at 41 pounds. I was at 42.2, but I had a bit of birthday cake...anyway, I am going to do my measurements and then do ONE post about the differences and such...then hopefully you won't have to hear me talk about it much anymore. I am going to keep trying to lose until I've lost 50-55 pounds, so that I have a little bit of leeway towards staying under a particular weight over the years. But that will be a more gradual loss...

Anyway, that brings me to my second announcement...I had a birthday!! I turned 25 on August 11. Yay! It's really not that big of a deal, but I got to spend my birthday with my family and that was really fun! I had a great time with them! I would also like to announce that Heather is basically on the brink of needing a walker because she's so elderly and frail. Ha! just kidding, Heather! Just had to throw that in there since you turned 29!!! this year. haha!

Business at work has really really picked up. I typically blog while I'm at work (shhhh!) but lately I have not had a spare minute to blog...which is why I have been absent for almost a month. But I now have my old laptop back from heather, on which I can use at home to blog! So, yay! hopefully no more slacker Krusty. :)

This weekend we have company coming into town--friends. I'm excited about it...but there's LOTS to do. Jules has been working like 10 or 11 days straight with no day off, so she's been trying to rest whenever she can--poor thing. So there will be mass cleaning and laundry efforts over the next two days. I have no idea why I didn't work on some of it over the weekend! duh!

And, soon I am going to start reading the Ha*rry P*ott*er series. I have checked out the first two books from the library, but I haven't gotten a chance to start them. I have been told that if I enjoyed T*wili*ght then I would enjoy these, so I'm really excited to start them.

And I have a patient coming in now, so I have to go. But I promise I will make a better effort to write every day if possible!! I miss you guys!!

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