Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The focus is all wrong...

So, I was reading That Chick's blog today, and it was a post about a certain politician (i don't want people to google that politician's name and land here) having an affair. The post was about how someone said that the politician cheated on his wife and it was acceptable because she is overweight. I was infuriated by this person saying this and so I went to comment on her comments page and as I started reading what others had commented I ran across several HATEFUL and ignorant comments made by some coward who wouldn't list their real name. They only commented about 48 times under "anonymous" because they KNEW they'd be stoned by the other readers who love That Chick. I was infuriated to the point of 1,000 fiery suns by what this idiot said. I won't quote him, because he's probably typing in the ignorant things he says in a google search right now, just to make sure SOMEONE is talking about him. That's all he wants. But, he basically said that the reason men cheat on their wives is because the wives have gotten fatter and the men want someone who is prettier/thinner/whatever.

You know...I just feel sick to my stomach thinking about that. I feel angry towards this man who said this...this disgusting pig who admitted that his wife can't "SATISFY" him because she's gained a few pounds, so he went and found himself a 'better model'. PUH-LEASE. Judging by the way this guy talks, he's probably only someone a mother could love...and I'm sure we're pushing it to say that. But anyway, this post is not to bash him. It's to express something that I have learned from reading several strong women's blogs here on the interweb.

These are things that I believe because I am a Christian. You don't have to believe them...or even read them. But, this is what I have learned.

A man who has morals, values, and integrity...a man who searches after God and loves Him...a man who is looking for a woman who also loves God and who also has morals, values, and integrity...that man will not be so concerned with the size of a woman's pants. A man who is trying to be 'in the world' but not of it will not discriminate against a wonderful woman because she is not a size 0. I refuse to believe that EVERY good man in the world, especially Christian men would be only concerned with body size. A God-centered man will have other objectives and qualities to look for.

I stand firmly next to that belief. So, the guy who supposedly cheated on his wife because she gained weight...well, I'm sure he'll finish with that mistress, move on to another and another trying to fill the emptiness that has hijacked his life. The only thing is...he's looking in the wrong place for the answer. Real men do not trade in their wives for newer models. REAL men see the beauty in their wives in each stage of life.

I know that the whole world does not believe this. I also know firsthand that there are a lot of Christian men who DO cheat. But, the point is, if you are focused on God, size really doesn't matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. There are a lot of men who claim this is why they have affairs. Its sad.

Through all his problems, bobby NEVER changed because I gained weight. To this day he will still tell me i am beautiful. When i was pregnant with connor a lot of my friends used to talk about how their husbands changed as they got bigger. It amazed me and also made me very thankful for bobby. He is probably one of the few people who knows exactly what i weigh, still today.

Now there are plenty of other areas he could improve lol!! but...