Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Step away from the remote!

So...I hate to admit it, but I love TV. I especially love getting hooked on a new show. And when I do get hooked, it's pretty serious. Jules jokes all the time that you don't even try to talk to me in the middle of a show/movie that I enjoy. Because, basically, I'll ignore you completely. I probably won't even hear you talking because I am so enthralled in my best friend: the telly.

When I went home to visit in April my mom and sister were watching this show called "Dexter." I had never seen the show before because it is a Showtime Original. They began re-airing the show on CBS or something, in an edited format. I watched one episode with my sister and mom and LOVED it. So later my sister bought the first season on DVD. This past birthday in August my sister sent the first season to me along with my present, so that we could watch it. So, I introduced the first episode (which I hadn't ever seen) to Jules and we were immediately hooked. We sat there and watched the WHOLE first season and finished around Saturday at noon. Then, because we are seriously addicted we went to Blockbuster and rented the whole second season. AND WATCHED EVERY EPISODE. :)

I know. but it was SOOOOOOO good. I love it. So, yay for next year being able to rent season 3!!!

Also, we watch...

....High School Musical: Get in the show....or whatever it's called. On Monday nights...with REAL teenagers as "contestants". It's so dramatic that it literally leaves you thanking the Good Lord that you're not 16 again! It's dripping with crying teenage girls, catty whispering, and much much waving of the hands paired with high-pitched squealing! The guys are all, "yeah. I'm hot. She's hot. We're hot. I like to be hot." all the time. It's so funny! I know it's not that long ago that we were teenagers, but it's such an awkward time and it cracks me up to think about us acting that way! Well, anyway, last night Zac Efron appeared on the show and you can only imagine the squealing that occurred. I muted the television just to protect my ear drums and the closed captioning just read ". Folks, that is NOT a good sign! We just laughed and laughed.

I love mindless TV. It's so nice to sit and watch some redneck with a mullet chase down his half-naked girlfriend who has, as chick would say, an inner-thigh tattoo, and just laugh. It's a nice reminder that no matter what problems you may have...you aren't that guy! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA i can't believe you watched the second season, im not gonna yet. Well actually i didn't think of renting it lol.

Oh and i love mindless tv too, its nice not to have to watch something with drama. Moms shows stress me so much. I love them too but i love to sit down to some big brother where there is no thinking at ALL.