Thursday, August 14, 2008

OOPS...I did it again!

I used to have longer hair. My dad was weird about me cutting my hair, so I kept it fairly long forever. Then, when I was in college I thought about cutting it, but my boyfriend at the time just begged me not to cut it, so I didn't. Once he broke up with me I wanted a fresh start, so I went and got my hair cut. And I had it cut SHORT. It was about an inch long all around my head except the top and my bangs. It was flippy and cute and I loved it. Because it was so short I had trouble keeping it out of my face when I was exercising or needed to pull it back some. That's when I started using Bobby Pins, and I have never turned back since that fateful day.
My hair is not nearly as short as that now, but When I pull my hair in to a ponytail there are always pieces that stick out. So, I still use bobby pins everyday. I have them in my purse, in my pockets, sometimes they're clipped right onto the sleeve of my shirt, just in case I need them at a moment's notice. There is nary a place I can go where a bobby pin is not readily available. This poses a particular problem with bobby pins turning up stuck in the carpet, in the change bowl, in the car, at work in exam rooms, at the desk. They're everywhere! It drives Jules crazy because she will pick them all up and put them in a central location, like my bathroom drawer, and then in two weeks they're scattered all about again!

What does this have to do with anything? you might ask...

....keep with me....I DO have a point.

So, Jules called me on Monday and said that she was doing laundry and the water from the washer wouldn't drain. I said to put it on spin cycle and see if that got it all out. She did, and it didn't work. So, we called the ol' landlord and he came over on Tuesday and said it was beyond him and he would have to have someone come out with him on Wednesday. So, Wednesday he returns with his handy brother and they fiddle and flip and unscrew and push and prod in this washer. Finally, Jules calls me and said that there had been a problem with the motor in the washer and that's why the water wouldn't drain.

Do you know what the problem was?

There were two bobby pins stuck in the little propellars of the motor.


1 comment:

M said...

I keep meaning to come over here and comment and I haven't because I'm a total whackhole.

This? Cracked me up. Once upon a time I, too, had a bobby pin addiction and, honest to goodness, when I was sharing an apartment with 2 of my girlfriends? We had the washing machine break down because of my bobby pins.

Now with small people who eat anything and everything and a great appreciation for the fact that curly hair can look like shit and still be grand? I've (mostly) give up on bobby pins but oh this so took me back a half dozen or so years. :)