Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Friday, But Sunday's coming!

I's only Thursday...but I have to go to the hospital again tonight for an overnight stay for my I won't be posting tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. When I was growing up I knew what Easter was about, and why we celebrated. I understood that the sacrifice Jesus made was for me and I was thankful. And I celebrated Easter like any kid would.

Last year was the first year I really considered what Easter is. Last year was the first year I really tried to think about how it must have been to have been a disciple of Jesus when He was crucified. I tried to think about how God must have felt allowing such horrible things to happen to his son, so that we can life. I tried to ponder how Jesus must have felt, knowing the horrible things he was about to endure.

And it overwhelmed me. I spent most of last year's Easter weekend mourning Jesus' death. I spent lots of time sad and guilty about what I caused Jesus to go through. Then the Children's Pastor at our church sent out an email to all the volunteers. It said something to the effect of "some of you might be tempted to be sad today, because of what Jesus went through for you...but remembering what Jesus did for you be thankful. Be grateful and celebrate that you have life abundant now! Thank God for what He did, instead of being sad about it! Jesus WILLINGLY made the sacrifice for you, because he loves you!"

It was just the reminder I needed. So this Easter, I'll be celebrating that I have life abundant because Jesus willingly made a sacrifice of his life! I just needed a different perspective!

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