Wednesday, November 19, 2008

At First I was Afraid...I was petrified...

I'm embarking on a journey that is Weight Watchers. YAY! And I don't want to talk about it much yet, because I'm just starting and I'm just getting into the "making smarter choices" mindset...(and I'm not there yet!!!). So, I don't want to talk about it yet...but I do want to say that this morning I had a comment on my previous post about WW and it was from the woman who inspired me to start WW. She helped me believe that I CAN do it and I've felt inspired by her. She left me a comment that said She was proud of me and that she was rooting for me. Now I know that I don't know her personally. But I read about her everyday. I hear about her struggles and her smart kids and her funny life and her dog that barfs and her husband who brushes his beard and her job that doesn't care about her. The thing is, she's such a REAL person. She's friendly and funny and she cares about people. She talks about life and love and God, but not in such a oh-so-holy-you-can't-breathe-in-the-same-room kind of way. She's fun and loyal and I don't even know her personally. I know it sounds weird, but I really look up to her. I think she's great. So when she's shown the world that she can do WW...and succeed, I think I can do it too! And she left me a comment saying she was proud of me and she was rooting for me. It really meant a lot. Because I have been afraid to let go completely. I have been afraid of starting to try to lose weight, because what if I fail?? What if I can't do it?? What if it's too hard?? And so it's been easier to not try than to try and fail. But I feel like me and Jules can do this. I feel like WW is the most realistic way to lose weight. And least for this moment, that comment has empowered me.

Now excuse me while I go eat a small palm-full of nuts. :)

Just kidding. I'll do that after I finish this post.
In other news...

I am going home this weekend. Jules works for Southwest Airlines so I got a free flight to take home. YAY! I'm going on Thursday night so I can see the kids on Friday and then I'm spending the whole weekend with mom and heather! yay!!!! I'm very excited!!! I'm going eat some nuts!

1 comment:

That Chick Over There said...

Oh you are so sweet!

And I do believe in you! Because if my fat ass can do it, I KNOW YOU CAN!!! :)