Monday, November 17, 2008


I wish that I could be at home, in my pajama pants, watching chick-flick after chick-flick all day long, with a large diet coke, taco bell, and chocolate at my disposal.

But today is day one of Weight Watchers. So instead, I am wearing normal clothes, and eating things like carrots, and hummus, and other things things that grow in the wild. Which would be fine if things like carrots and hummus tasted good. But they don't (unless the carrots are smothered with ranch dressing, or cooked and covered in butter.) So, there is my problem. It's a change of mindset. I HAVE to do this. Two pounds a week for a year is over 100 pounds. HELLO!? that's insane. Two pounds. WHO CAN'T DO 2 POUNDS A WEEK?? So, today is day 1.

Please say prayers for me. I'm already hungry. :)

1 comment:

That Chick Over There said...

I'm awfully proud of you!

The great thing about WW is that you CAN eat Taco Bell. No, not all the Taco Bell on the planet. But if you plan for it, you can have it!

Good luck! I'm rooting for you!!!