Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well, after 2 separate visits to the doctor, within 3 business days, 60 dollars later, I am STILL not getting any help for my sickness. Whatever sickness that might be. I just think that doctors become so numb to sick people around this time of the year, that they just brush you off as though you are a waste of their time. Maybe they'd like me better if I had the plague or something more interesting than a chest cold. Maybe they'd like to help me control my symptoms (at least) instead of telling me there's nothing they can do if I had nails sticking out of my head or something. I have no idea what I have to do to get some help, but I do know that I'm switching to a new doctors office. I have tried a different doctor at the office that I'm at now, and I LOVED him, but he has proven to me that he's not one of those doctors that TRULY want to help you. Here's my problem:

1. Over-The-Counter medications/remedies are not working.
2. I am getting worse, even while taking the OTC's.
3. I feel so crappy I can hardly stand it.

1. I just wanted to see how my doctor is feeling.
2. I want to literally SEE my doctors face (because he's very good-looking).
3. I had 30 extra dollars lying around and had NO IDEA how to spend it.
4. I just wanted my doctor's opinion or thoughts about a particular issue.
5. I had too much free time on my hands and thought that spending hours at a doctors office sounded like TOO MUCH FUN!!

I mean, seriously?? Do doctors think that you come there just to hear them talk??? NO!! I am not saying I am as smart as a doctor, or that I know everything about all illnesses. But I do know my body. I DO know the common illness's that I get, and I know how to treat them. When that doesn't work, or when I get sick with "something new" then I go to the doctor to get HELP...not to hear their opinions. And, even if it's a virus and you cannot "FIX" me, you can give me medicine that will treat my symptoms. And I'm not even talking about medicine that I can sell, or abuse. I'm talking about a stinking antibiotic or a disgusting cough medicine so that I can get some sleep and actually FUNCTION!! Do they really have to treat you like you are going to try to inject your cough syrup in your veins if they give it to you??? I mean, seriously?????

I am just fed up with the medical system. When I lived in the South I could CALL the doctor, tell them my symptoms, and they'd CALL IN A PRESCRIPTION for me. Out here, I have to call the doctor, beg them to even see me, let them take my money and then they say things like, "your body just needs to work through this," or "I really don't give prescriptions to people unless they've been sick for about 12-14 days." SERIOUSLY??? how many of you are going to wait TWO WEEKS before going to the doctor when you're sick!?? hello!????? These hippie doctors are CRAZY! And I just don't think I can take it ANYMORE. I have to find a doctor that will HELP me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww i would so give you my antibiotics but i think i might go to jail for mailing them. :(

Im sorry my sister sister