Friday, July 11, 2008

There's a hole in my bucket...

I feel a little bit overwhelmed at work right now. It's not that we're really busy or anything like that. It's the fact that I feel completely out of control in my job. I am at the mercy of the "big dogs" and I just have to do what they say. My direct supervisor, who is a great person, is also at the mercy of the "big dogs" who are not great people. Yesterday my boss got cornered and was given an ultimatum-type situation. From what I can understand the point was: Make more money or else. And the specific method of making more money was pretty much assigned. And this method of making money, although interesting, is a whole lot of NEW. And we don't care much for the NEW around here. So...all this new is going to come upon us pretty quickly, and I don't feel very excited about it.

Luckily I have a few days off to think about it. I think the fact that this is not my career for life will help me get over my overwhelming state...since, in the long run, this will only affect me for a while.

But right now....definitely feeling the overwhelm.

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