Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google Searches

So, when you use words like "panties" and "bedpans" I guess this is what you can expect from the ol' google searches. These are things people have typed in and ended up at my blog:

inmates scrubs--I'm not sure if this person is looking to buy them, or what, but I don't think they found what they were looking for here.

buy orange inmate jumpsuit--again, no inmate jumpsuits for sale here. I wonder if these people are looking for new or used inmate jumpsuits?


inmate panties--umm...even grosser.

julie gross just farted--ok. seriously?? What was this person expecting to find???

inmate jumpsuit yellow--I've heard of orange. I've heard of pink. I've heard of blue. But where do they make inmates wear yellow? The sunshine state??

scrub jumpsuit--it will be much easier to do your job if you buy a separate scrub top and bottom as opposed to a jumpsuit. It's awfully hard to empty a Foley catheter when you can't bend down.

stinky sniff smell fart panties--really? really?????

the correct way to place a patient on a bedpan--don't worry, honey. You get used to it. Trial and error. That's the best way. Just make sure you have a pair of gloves handy (see Bedpans for Broken Hips are very Shallow Post for more info).

Tennessee volunteers panties--I've always been an Alabama fan myself

shallow bedpans--Oh, poor thing. I wonder why someone was searching for Shallow Bedpans.

It's just amazing what people will type into the little blinking text box of a search engine.


Anonymous said...

well I have what we could call a queen size behind.
One day, out of desperation after trying on half the rack of the trousers in the thrift shop, I came home and searched for...
"big butts trousers"
hmm let's say this is the day I discovered the "safe search" option on google. ;)

KrustyLynn said...

hahahaah! that's hilarious!!