Monday, March 30, 2009

Snow Day

I haven't posted since last Wednesday because of The Blizzard of 2009.

Being from Alabama...I've never experienced an actual blizzard before, except for the kind you might buy at Diary Queen.

But last Thursday--I experienced one.

I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves.
That picture is about halfway through the storm. There was a break in the snowfall, and I was finally home and safe (a story for another day) and we measured it to be almost 9 inches.

The snow was blown right up to my front door.

Puppy didn't like it.

It was the most snow I've seen fall in my life. I mean, of course I've seen a lot of snow at ski resorts, etc, but this was major. This was right in my front yard. It was amazing!

We got a total of about 15 inches. It was crazy!!



Sorry you had so much snow! I can definitely sympathize, considering I live in a state where jeans and a jacket or coat are required for about seven months out of the year. Heck, I'm on Spring Break and it's forty degrees outside and I have the heat on inside! Some "Spring Break!" :(

cheryl said...

I hope you enjoyed it!! Here we get so much, we really appreciate Spring! The big question now is: is "IT" done snowing?? Perhaps.. 6 years ago we had a major ice storm in April and lost power for a week. So, you never know..